Coaching the man
Coaching the man was set up by David Caulfield in 2020, shortly after qualifying as a life coach David realised that, it was the men in his life who were least likely to open up a discussion on mental health and wellbeing. In fact the scars of a past trauma and male suicide within the family were still running deep.
In February 2020 Coaching the man was born to create a beacon of hope for men to feel like they could in fact feel safe sharing the most intimate and vulnerable thoughts in their head, whilst also feeling supported doing it.
The company formed initially to house a one to one coaching in person coaching business, However, it very quickly became an online platform used to start conversations about mens mental health, suicide prevention awareness and then later in 2020 following his own diagnosis a place to raise awareness for testicular cancer awareness and mens health.
Since the company started David has helped entrepreneurs set up their businesses, current business owners redirect their strategy in a changing world crippled by a pandemic. He has also used coaching the man as a space to help many more individuals start conversations that they were previously too afraid to talk about or simply lacked the language needed to start.
We have now started working with companies and schools to share the topic of Mens Health and the Value of health as well as providing individual and group coaching too.
We believe that everyone is capable of living a life by design, a life that inspires them and one that gives them a feeling of content regularly. The feeling of being fulfilled by the life you live comes from following the path you really believe you are made for and worthy off.
We believe that success starts with coaching the man
Through our coaching we want to equip every man who gets coached with all the tools they need to achieve their goals.
We also want to inspire men to pursue the life they designed for themselves and believe in it wholeheartedly.
Working with coaching the Man you will feel acknowledged, you will be encouraged, and feel supported every step of the way.
We are not afraid to discuss mental health no matter where you are on the spectrum.
Every session is valid whether you are Happy and confident or sad and depressed it is all worth discussing.
By firstly supporting your mental health, wellbeing and personal development,
We give you a space away from your daily tasks, work, relationships responsibilities, expectations coaching provided a safe space for you to take time out feel heard, share the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing and help you understand them, quantify them and use them to move forward in your life.
Coaching gives you a sound board to voice your thoughts out loud with no judgement or advice given. Its the mental version of kicking your football of the neighbours wall except they are ok with it. They encourage it.
In the sessions you get the opportunity to understand yourself but figure out a way to use what you know to help you achieve the life you are designing for yourself.
Honesty - Its important that when you are being coached you get the whole person in your session, its also important to us that you bring your whole honest self to every session with us
Acceptance - you will be met in every session where you are. Accepted whole heartedly for who you are and what you can offer.
Trust - You must always feel you can trust the person you are coaching with implicitly
Accountability - When designing a life it’s important that everyone involved is accountable for the actions they choose to take.
Collaboration - coaching is collaborative, you should never feel alone. We want to support you and work with you to move towards the life you are designing.
As David hurdled towards his late twenties, the new goal was to feel happy and content in a world without anxiety and crippling debt. He started with a life coach and as the tide began to feel less drowning he set about helping others and becoming a coach too. As the tides changed and he was working on becoming a coach the presenting world came knocking and David was shipped up north to work on one of Virgins newest online Gaming platforms. While this took the front seat, the coaching was still gaining traction and David was beginning to see the impact of his own coaching and those he was coaching too.
“The similarities between being acknowledged on stage as a presenter with a cheer or a standing ovation is a very similar feeling I get when i’m coaching someone and they suddenly make a massive realisation. Its Magic”
Since the launch of the company in 2020, David has spent a lot of time connecting with men and women around the world. While he is now still presenting while running Coaching the man he is always Using his platform to have conversations about Mental health, Suicide prevention awareness, testicular cancer awareness and Mens Health.
You can keep up to date with David on his Instagram!